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  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: grafiki_na_strone__3_
  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: grafiki_na_strone__4_
  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: grafiki_na_strone__5_
  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: ratusz-maly
  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: woz-maly
  • Fotografia w górnej animacji: zdjecie_z_drona_oczyszczalnia

Dane urzędu

Gmina Rakoniewice

Osiedle Parkowe 1

62-067 Rakoniewice

Tel.: 61 444 10 02


NIP: 995-01-98-613

Regon: 631259324



The spatial arrangement of the town of Rakoniewice was generally defined by Krzysztof Grzymułtowski - the then owner of Rakoniewice. He laid out a relatively big market square (112 x 120 m) in town, the streets and plots of land. The general arrangement of the town with the arcaded houses in the Market Square dates from the late 17th century.

In the past, the whole Market Square in Rakoniewice was surrounded by arcaded houses with gable roofs or broken shingle roofs. They were characterized by a high level of carpentry workmanship. The medieval tradition of construction of arcaded houses was upheld by regulations of the town owners, who supported arcades because of their suitability for the commercial and craft function of the town and their representative character. Unfortunately, frequent fires in the years 1708, 1754, 1877 and 1927 destroyed whole rows of such buildings.

At present, there are only four arcaded houses left in the Market Square (present Powstańców Wielkopolskich Square) - they are witnesses to the long history of the town.


* W. Pawelczak, Zenon Molski, Rakoniewice w latach okupacji 1939-1945, Poznań 1991, pp. 5-6



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Gmina Rakoniewice
Osiedle Parkowe 1, 62-067 Rakoniewice
Tel.: 61 444 10 02

NIP: 995-01-98-613
Regon: 631259324

Licznik odwiedzin:
14 570 345
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